Replacing ALGO upvotes with tips to author 💸 Based on feedback about the "upvote with algo" functionality, we are phasing out this functionality and transitioning to a more straightforward "tipping" option. Here's why: - The large value discrepancy between POST and ALGO complicates the calculation of post scores. This issue has become even more problematic with downvotes, as currently you can negate the effect of 1 ALGO upvote with 1 POST downvote. Assigning different weights to ALGO and POST upvotes is doable but very complicated in practice - The "tax" on algo upvotes: this is not a secret, but it is also not very obvious, and it is eroding trust in the decentralization of the platform The new tipping feature lets you send algos directly to post authors, with a trackable note. These tips will be displayed below the post, distinctly from upvotes. Upvoting and downvoting with POST tokens is unaffected. As always, any feedback or differing opinions are welcome :)