The platform is under active development and this roadmap is subject to change. If you have any feedback, please make a post in the meta board or contact us by email.

Although they are fully functional, the current Metapost contracts should be viewed as a proof of concept. New contracts are under active development, guided by the feedback gathered since the beta launch. Here are some goals that the new contracts aim to achieve:

  • More robust board ownership/moderation mechanisms
  • Leveraging modern Algorand features such as box storage and inner transactions
  • A better incentive structure for rewards distribution
  • Composable transactions with an improved ability to be extended and integrated with other applications

The new contracts will be open-sourced and documented, making it easier for developers to build on top of them. More details will be announced soon!

Tentative timeline:

Q3 2023

  • Revamp of wallet connection
  • Image posts backed by IPFS
  • Threaded comments
  • Votes on comments
  • UI/UX polish, bug fixes

Q4 2023

  • Whitepaper
  • Testnet for v2 contracts

Q1 2024

  • Mainnet launch for v2
  • Developer docs and SDK

Q2 2024

  • DAO for POST token holders