- metapost
- current_events
- 0An internal DOD memo has been obtained that shows Biden wants to exempt trannies in the military from combat and pt. What is the point of them being in the military other than to social engineer this nonsense.
Dude there’s like… very few combat roles these days compared to the administrative, support, IT and tech… And I thought that was the whole reason some opposed transgendered or whatever(idk the appropriate term but I know Jesus wouldn’t use the word you used) people in the military. You should stop involving yourself in politics until you’ve gotten your head on straight. I know it’s tough to accept but there’s a lot of people playing your fears(and hate) against your(and our) own best interests
1. Your first statement is false and you would be discriminating against other people who want those admin, IT,..jobs. What job you qualify for is largely based on ASAVB scores. 2. Even admin, IT are in combat zones so they would be exempted again not fair. Also all soldiers must do pt which they would be exempted from. Soldiers must be able meet a minimum level of physical fitness. 3. Not sure why you quote Jesus at me. You ignorantly assume I'm Christian. I'm not so I don't care what Jesus would use. This is just some canned, knee-jerk emotional response from you. 4. I'll involve myself in anything I want and there's nothing you can do about it.
1. No it isn’t 2. No they aren’t 3. Because your an idiot regurgitating typical Christian conservative none sense. Easy mistake 4. No should just stop and focus on fixing yourself